Localization in Pentaho Report Designer

 Localization in Pentaho Report Designer

  Localization in Pentaho Report Designer is used to change static data and parameter to dynamic content. Localization is required in reports due do different static name parameters used in different organization. For example some organizations used ‘Unit’ as center name while other organizations use ‘Center’ as name.

We can localize static data in report by two ways.

1. Storing static data in database table.

2. Localize using pentaho report designer Localization.

1. Storing static data in database table

We can use database table to store static value and retrieve such static values. Different organizations can use different static value in name/value parameters. Such name/value can be retrieved through sql query and displayed using single value query in pentaho report designer.

We can create config table in local_db database so that we can store static value and parameter. We can use name column as fixed parameter type and value can be different for different organizations. For example
In organizational 1, we can use ‘unitname’ as name column and value column can be ‘UNIT’
While in organization 2, we can use ‘unitname’ as name column and value column can be ‘CENTER’

Table Structure of Config

CREATE TABLE `local_db`.`config` (


  `name` VARCHAR(45) NULL,

  `value` VARCHAR(45) NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`id`));

Now In pentaho report designer, we use

1. Add Query to select single value as required and name the query as centerhomeloan’
For eg.  select value from config where name='centerhomeloan'

2. Use Open formula in pentaho report designer and add single value query as =SINGLEVALUEQUERY("'centerhomeloan' ")

3. The content from open formula can be dragged and dropped into different location of report as required.

So by using database table and pentaho report designer we can localize data in different organization. So adding different value in different organization for same name can be used to set different content in same location of reports and use of multiple reports can be minimized. 

2. Localize using pentaho report designer Localization.

By using pentaho report designer localization function, we can also localize reports. We can use pentaho report parameters like Resource Message, Resource Label, and Resource Field to localize reports dynamically. This method doesn’t require storing data to a database table and only maintain config file. We only need to create a config file with .properties extension and then select the same config file to generate dynamic content.

Following process can be used to localize the reports.

1. Open the report that is needed to be localized.

2. Go to the File menu and Select Resources.... The Resource Editor window will appear.

3. Click Create to create a new default resource bundle. A resource details window will appear.

4. Type in a file name for your resource file (using a .properties extension), and select its content type from the drop-down list. For example config.properties.

5. In the Resource Editor, select the message bundle you just created, then click Edit. A text window will appear.

6. Enter name/value pairs for all of the Resource Labels you intend to create, with the name of the label on the left and the value on the right, as shown in the example below.
centerhomeloan=Center Home Loan

7. Now Add a Resource Label, Message, or Field to report designer as required.

8. Select the element and go to attribute pane.

9 Set the value as the name that is set in config property.

10. Set resource-identifier as the name of resource file created. 

Config file can also be stored in external file as ‘config.properties’. So due to this, different organizations have particular config file as ‘config.properties’ and the name value pair parameter can be different as required.
For eg. in organization 1 , content of config.properties is
centerhomeloan=Center Home Loan

in organization 2 , content of config.properties is

centerhomeloan=Unit Home Loan

In Pentaho Report Designer, add  config.properties to the [PRD Install]/resources directory.

 For the Pentaho Webapp, put the files in the pentaho/WEB-INF/classes directory.

So by using these two methods, we can localize report in pentaho report designer and solve the problem of multiple reports requirements due to different static value in different organization.

शान्ति र मिलनसार नेपालीको अर्को रुप्: 'जंगली', 'कठोर' र 'घृणित' कर्म डेओपोखरी जात्रा को रुपमा

 कठोर  चाड  जसमा  नेपाली  केहि  मान्छेहरुको  समुहले  एउटा  सानो  बाख्राको  निरमम  बद  गर्नु एउटा असभ्य  नेपाली  चाड  को  परिचय हो । शान्ति को प्रतिक बुद्ध जन्मेको देश नेपाल, जहाँ नेपालीहरु शान्ति र मिलनसार मान्छेका रुपमा चिनिन्छन । तेही देश नेपालमा आज अशान्ति र अमन फैलीरहेको छ । एक तिर जतिय दोन्द, आर्कातिर धर्मिक आस्था र बिश्वासले गर्दा नेपाल बिस्व सामु आफ्नो कालो अनुहार प्रस्तुत गरीरहेको छ । 
गाडी माइ पर्ब जहाँ लाखऔ जनावरहरुको बली दियीन्च, सो पर्ब त्यहाँका धार्मैक नेताहरुको पहलमा बली प्रथा बन्द भएको छ । यस्तै पर्बको रुपमा आहिले चारचा पाएको पर्ब हो "खोकना को डेउपोखरी जात्रा" ।

राष्ट्रिय   अन्तराष्ट्रिय  विरोध  बाबजुद  यो  जात्रा  सम्पन्न  भएको  "डेउपोखरी जात्रा  " ललितपुरको  एउटा सानो  गाउमा  आयोजन  हुने  वार्षिक  पर्ब  चाड  हो । ९०० बर्ष पुरानो यो जात्रा काठमाडौं उपत्यकाको खोखान भन्ने गाउमा मनाउने गर्छन । यो पर्ब गाउँमा रहेको एउटा पवित्र पोखरी बाट सुब्भारम्भ हुन्छ जुन पोखरी सोही  गाउको रुद्रायनी मन्दिर निर रहेको छ । एक जवान महिला बाख्रालाई सो पोखरीमा फालिन्छ र एक हुल युवा जम्मातले तेस जनावर को जङली रुपमा मर्ने प्रायस गर्छन । बिना कुनै हातीयार खाली हातले तेस बाख्रालाई मार्न युवाहरु तछाद माछाद गर्छन्, हातले चिथोरेर होस वा दातले तोकेर होस उनिहरु तेस निर्जिब जनावरलाई मार्न पछी पर्दैन्न । त्यो सानो बाख्रो नमरुन्जिल युवाहरु तेस्लाई तोक्ने र चुदाल्ने काम गर्छन । त्यो दर्दनाक दृस्य हेर्न त्यहाँका स्थानएय र अरु थुप्रै मान्छेहरु भीड जम्मा हुन्छन । जुन बेक्टीले त्यो बाख्रोलाई मार्छ सोही बेक्तीनै जात्राको  नाइकेको रुपमा सो जात्रा शुभ आरम्भ गर्छन । तेसैले युवाहरु पनि आफ्नो शक्ती प्रदर्शनको रुपमा यस पर्बलाई लिन्छन ।


 अधिकारमा  लागेका  केहि  सङ्सास्थाहरुले  यो  चाडको  प्रतिबन्ध  का  लागि  आवज  उथाइरहेक  छन   युरोप    नेपाल  भरका  थुप्रै  सदस्यहरूले  Change.org  जस्ता  अनलाइन  साङ्था  मार्फत  यो  चाड  को  विरुद्ध आफ्ना  आवजहरु  रखीरहेक  छन । नेपाली संगठन पशु कल्याण नेटवर्कले यो चाड विरुद्ध बर्ष देखी नै अभियान सुरु गरेका छन । विश्व-प्रसिद्ध पशु अधिकार चारइत्री PETA र AWNN ले मिलेर एस्तो विशिष्ट जंगली र घृणित चाड विरुद्ध काम गरीरहेका छन ।

यस्तो क्रूर र निष्ठुर काम एक सभ्य समाज मा कुनै ठाँउ पनि छैन र तुरुन्तै प्रतिबन्ध लगाइ नु पर्ने हुनुपर्छ । यस आवेदन हस्ताक्षर गर्ने विश्वभरमा देखि सार्वजनिक सदस्यहरु ले petition मर्फत एस्तो व्यवहार को घोर निन्दा गरेका छन् ।


यो चाड धेरै बर्ष पुरानो हो । किम्भद्न्ती आनुसार्, एक गाउँका बालक यो पोखरी मा डुबेर मरेको थियो र सोही पोखरी को देवी लाई खुशी पार्न हरेको बर्ष एस्तो चाड हुन्छ र एउटा निर्दोश बाख्रो लाई बली को रुप मा प्रयोग गर्छन । यो चाड बेसेस त काठमाडौं उपत्ककाका निवार समुदायहरुले मनाउने गर्छन ।


गद्दी माइ पर्ब जुन ५ बर्षमा हुन्छ जहाँ २-३ लाख जती भैसि, हान्स र बाख्राहरुको बली दिन्छ,सो पर्बमा तेस्ता बली प्रथा अन्तिय भएको छ । लाखऔ भक्त्जनहरु यो चाड मनाउन गढीमाई मन्दिर पुग्छन जुन बर्दियायपुर्, ईन्डियाको बोर्देरमा पर्छ । गढीमाई मन्दिर त्रस्तका चेयरम्यानले भनेका छन 'हत्यालाई र हिंसाले भरियको एस्त चाडलाई शान्तिपूर्ण र उल्लस को पर्बको रुपमा मनाउनु पर्छ ।

'खोकना  चाड  एक  विशेष  जातीय  समूहको  चाड  हो  जुन  बर्षउ  देखी  चल्दै  आएको  ,  एक  बाख्रालाई परमेश्वरको  नाममा    मनोरञ्जन  लागि  धेरै  क्रूर  तरिका  हत्या  भएको  छ।'परम्परा  जहाँ  पशु  क्रूरता  जोडेको  हुन्छ  तेस्ता  चाड  सकेसम्म  चाँडै  रोकेनु  पर्छ '

@तस्वीर सौजन्य डेलीमेल

1 Nepalese Rupee equals 210.84 Dollar.??

  1 Nepalese Rupee equals 210.84 Dollar.

Yes But it’s not US dollar but Currency used in Vietnam which is called Vietnam Dong.
100 Nepalese Rupee = 21084 Vietnamese Dong (twenty one thousand)

What would you do if you get 250 for Nepalese one rupee?
Things got excited when you get 250% extra for your investment. What would you do if you get twenty five hundred rupee for investing 100 Rupees? You will be lucky because there are few countries in the world that have low currency value than that of Nepal. So Next time when you think of traveling abroad or going to abroad for further study then choose following countries that have low value of currencies.

There are few beautiful countries like Italy where currency value is less than Nepal. Italy is famous for its Italian Pizza and leaning Tower of Pisa. If you are planning for abroad visit then Italy would be best for its ancient arts and culture also. The currency value of Italian lira is 16 times less than that of Nepal.  Also there are few developed Asian countries where currency value is lesser than that of Nepal. The developed country like Japan whose currency Japanese Yen is 1.13 to that of 1 Nepalese Rupees. Korean Country South Korea has its currency South Korean Won. 11.21 South Korean won equals one Rupee. Quite surprising. See the list of few other countries whose money is lesser than that of Nepal.

1 Nepalese Rupee = 210.84 Vietnamese Dong


1 Nepalese Rupee = 206.19 São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra


1 Nepalese Rupee = 133.00 Indonesian Rupiah



1 Nepalese Rupee = 76.48 Laotian Kip


1 Nepalese Rupee = 50.89 Paraguayan Guaranis


1 Nepalese Rupee = 29.09 Colombian Peso


1 Nepalese Rupee = 18.69 Mongolian Tugrik


1 Nepalese Rupee = 16.04 Italian Lira

1 Nepalese Rupee = 11.21 South Korean Won


1 Nepalese Rupee = 1.13 Japanese Yen


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